Workshops for children Linda Bannink

We have never been photographing and filming so much like now, but hardly watch with attention. In the photography- and filmworkshops by Linda Bannink for children in primary education, the children experiment with their perception and the possibilities of photography and film, through challenging assignments. We use the photo- and videocamera as a tool to 'see more'. Not only in the daily world around us in which all kind of absurd things happen, but also in each other and in ourselves. The camera not only funcions as a tool to explore our place in the world, but also as a device to communicate which each other.
Besides filming and making photo's ourselves during the workshops, we watch in an active and playfull way photo's and (fragments of) films from others; artists, filmmakers, journalists, scientists, but also 'amateurs', to get inspired and to train a conscious eye and indicate the different meanings in the overflow of photographic material we daily perceive on the street, on the onternet and in (social) media.
In all the classes and workshops there is a variation between working individually and working together. Perception, imagination, expression and media literacy are equally adressed.
For more information and the booking of workshops, go to: (online mid-march 2019)
Besides filming and making photo's ourselves during the workshops, we watch in an active and playfull way photo's and (fragments of) films from others; artists, filmmakers, journalists, scientists, but also 'amateurs', to get inspired and to train a conscious eye and indicate the different meanings in the overflow of photographic material we daily perceive on the street, on the onternet and in (social) media.
In all the classes and workshops there is a variation between working individually and working together. Perception, imagination, expression and media literacy are equally adressed.
For more information and the booking of workshops, go to: (online mid-march 2019)
Linda Bannink studied at the audiovisual department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and in 2002 she completed her residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam. In 2016/17 she did the BIK-training (‘Professional Artists in the Classroom’) at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Since then she organizes, besides the documentary projects with El Despacho, photography and film workshops for children, in primary educacion (group 1 – 8). Meantime she gained a lot of experience in teaching children and adults.
For more information or requesting a workshop:
“Linda has such a natural attitude towards the children.
The lessons are thoroughly prepared, in such a way that she takes the space in practice. She sees every child and every child feels being seen. She gives the group such a natural confidence , that they give this confidence in return.â€
- Elly, leerkracht groep 4/5 OBS De Roos
“Linda is good at preparing her lessons. She has a pleasant voice and comes across friendly. She enjoys the pupils, but also teaching itself. Besides that, she is flexible, whereby she comes across relaxed. The assignments which were chosen and the explanation which was given were clear. The children went to work enthusiastically.
Also the finishing of the lessons got the right attention. Questions were asked to the pupils and Linda gave feedback to what they had done.â€
- Paula, leerkracht BEVO groep 1 t/m 8 & ICC, De Ichtusschool, Amsterdam
For more information or requesting a workshop:
“Linda has such a natural attitude towards the children.
The lessons are thoroughly prepared, in such a way that she takes the space in practice. She sees every child and every child feels being seen. She gives the group such a natural confidence , that they give this confidence in return.â€
- Elly, leerkracht groep 4/5 OBS De Roos
“Linda is good at preparing her lessons. She has a pleasant voice and comes across friendly. She enjoys the pupils, but also teaching itself. Besides that, she is flexible, whereby she comes across relaxed. The assignments which were chosen and the explanation which was given were clear. The children went to work enthusiastically.
Also the finishing of the lessons got the right attention. Questions were asked to the pupils and Linda gave feedback to what they had done.â€
- Paula, leerkracht BEVO groep 1 t/m 8 & ICC, De Ichtusschool, Amsterdam